Our Network
The Opioid Response Network is a coalition of 46 national organizations, representing over 2 million constituents, providing education and training opportunities across the prevention, treatment, recovery and harm reduction of opioid, stimulant and other substance use disorders.
American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP)
AAAP is a national professional society that focuses on evidence-based prevention, treatment and recovery approaches, particularly for people with substance use disorders and co-occurring psychiatric disorders. AAAP is the lead organization for the Opioid Response Network and has taken the lead in developing innovative approaches to training that have seen widespread success in the area of office-based treatment of opioid use disorder. AAAP has a membership of more than 1,700 addiction psychiatrists. The organization’s peer reviewed journal is The American Journal on Addictions.
Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network (ATTC)
The ATTC Network is an international, multidisciplinary resource for professionals in the addictions treatment and recovery services field. A Network that started out 25 years ago, it is now comprised of 10 domestic Regional Centers, 6 International HIV Centers, 2 National Focus Areas, and one Network Coordinating Office. The University of Missouri-Kansas City houses the ATTC Network Coordinating Office and provides leadership and support to the individual ATTCs and the specialized behavioral and primary healthcare workforces that provide substance use disorder treatment and recovery support services.
Columbia University Department of Psychiatry
The mission of the division is to develop innovative treatment interventions to ameliorate the personal suffering and negative public health consequences of substance use disorders. Faculty are dedicated to conducting a broad range of translational research, disseminating and implementing evidence-based interventions within the Columbia community and throughout the country, and providing state-of-the-art training to the next generation of addiction investigators. As one of the leading addiction medicine programs in the nation, Columbia is at the forefront of addressing the critical addiction challenges facing New York City, New York state, and the nation.

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP)
The mission of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry is to promote the healthy development of children, adolescents, and families through advocacy, education, and research, and to meet the professional needs of child and adolescent psychiatrists throughout their careers.

American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)
Founded in 1947, the American Academy of Family Physicians represents 136,700 physicians and medical students nationwide, and it is the only medical society devoted solely to primary care. The AAFP reaches all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Uniformed Services, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands through National and State chapter activities.

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
The American Academy of Pediatrics is an organization of 67,000 primary care pediatricians, pediatric medical subspecialists and pediatric surgical specialists dedicated to the health, safety and well-being of infants, children, adolescents and young adults.

American Association for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence (AATOD)
The American Association for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence was founded in 1984 to enhance the quality of patient care in treatment programs by promoting the growth and development of comprehensive opioid treatment services throughout the United States.

American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP)
The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) promotes the highest quality of emergency care and is the leading advocate for emergency physicians, their patients and the public. ACEP believes quality emergency care is a fundamental right and unobstructed access to emergency services should be available to all patients who perceive the need for emergency services.

American College of Medical Toxicology (ACMT)
The American College of Medical Toxicology is a professional, nonprofit association of approximately 800 physicians with recognized expertise in medical toxicology. Its mission is to advance the toxicologic care of patients and populations, and advocate for the specialty of medical toxicology.

American Heart Assocation (AHA)
The American Heart Assocation translates science to cardiovascular disease prevention, treatment and care standards; improves the quality of care delivery in clinical and community settings; engages the public in innovative health literacy programs; eliminating health disparities; serves as a scientific platform for research discourse and dissemination; and saves lives through excellence of CPR training and emergency cardiovascular care.

American Osteopathic Academy of Addiction Medicine (AOAAM)
The American Osteopathic Academy of Addiction Medicine (AOAAM) is a specialty academy of the American Osteopathic Association, dedicated to improving the understanding of addiction as a disease. AOAAM is committed to attaining science-based core competencies in the prevention, assessment, and treatment by Osteopathic Physicians; with a leadership voice in the Osteopathic Profession for sound public policy associated with substance use disorders. AOAAM has a strong grassroots network of providers, serving in both underserved urban and rural areas. Osteopathy makes up 8% of physicians in the U.S., however, because of the emphasis on family medicine, it is estimated that osteopathic physicians deliver 20% of primary care in this country.

American Psychiatric Nurses Association (APNA)
The American Psychiatric Nurses Association (APNA) is the largest professional membership organization committed to the practice of psychiatric-mental health (PMH) nursing and wellness promotion, prevention of mental health problems, and the care and treatment of persons with psychiatric disorders. APNA membership totals more than 14,000 psychiatric-mental health nurses from all over the world.

Association for Multidisciplinary Education and Research in Substance use and Addiction (AMERSA)
The primary mission of the Association for Multidisciplinary Education and Research in Substance use and Addiction (AMERSA) is to improve health and well-being through interdisciplinary leadership in substance use education, research, clinical care and policy. AMERSA achieved national prominence for its role in the design and dissemination of substance abuse curricula for physicians, the development of health professional educators in medicine, nursing and social work, and its annual national conferences. AMERSA’s 300 plus members represent a broad spectrum of health professions. One of their key goals is to improve education and clinical practice in the identification and management of substance-related problems by promoting leadership, mentorship and collaboration among multiple healthcare professions including, but not limited to, physicians, nurses, social workers, psychologists, dentists, pharmacists, and public health professionals.

Association of American Indian Physicians (AAIP)
The Association of American Indian Physicians (AAIP) was established in 1971 and has a membership of over 500 American Indian and Alaska Native physicians licensed to practice medicine in the United States. AAIP’s mission is to pursue excellence in Native American healthcare by promoting education in the medical disciplines, honoring traditional healing practices and restoring the balance of mind, body and spirit. A top priority for AAIP is motivating American Indian and Alaskan Native students to remain in the academic pipeline and to pursue a career in the health professions and/or biomedical research to increase the number of American Indian and Alaskan Native medical professionals in the workforce.

American Society of Addiction Medicine
The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) is a national medical society dedicated to increasing access and improving the quality of addiction treatment, educating physicians, and the public, supporting research and prevention, and promoting the appropriate role of physicians and clinicians in the care of patients with addiction.

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Boston Children’s Hospital – The Adolescent Substance Use & Addiction Program (ASAP)
The Adolescent Substance Use & Addiction Program (ASAP) at Boston Children’s Hospital provides national leadership in the identification, diagnosis and treatment of substance use problems and disorders in children and adolescents. ASAP’s approach to substance use is built around our understanding of the unique challenges posed by the cognitive and developmental changes during this critical and transitional period in life. By focusing on a combination of clinical services, research, training, and policy work, ASAP is committed to reducing and preventing substance use disorders and related behaviors in children and adolescents.

Boston Medical Center (BMC) Grayken Center for Addiction TTA
The Boston Medical Center (BMC) Grayken Center for Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) provides education, support and capacity building to community health centers and other health care and social service providers on best practices caring for patients with substance use disorders. The Grayken Center helps organizations integrate evidence-based addiction treatment into office-based settings using sustainable models of care, such as the OBAT Nurse Care Manager Model developed at BMC (also referred to as the Massachusetts Model).

Bridge, launched in 2018, has led the nation in expanding medication for addiction treatment in Emergency Departments throughout the country. Bridge’s model is proven to work effectively in any hospital setting, and has been launched in 85% of the California’s Emergency Departments.

C4 Innovations
C4 Innovations advances recovery, wellness, and housing stability for people who are marginalized. C4 is committed to reducing disparities and achieving equitable outcomes. The organization partners with service organizations, communities, and systems to develop and implement research-based solutions that are person-centered, recovery-oriented, and trauma-informed. The team at C4 includes service providers, trainers, researchers, and people who have experienced mental illness, substance use, trauma, and homelessness.

Cicatelli Associates Inc. (CAI)
Cicatelli Associates Inc. (CAI) is a nonprofit, nationally recognized training and technical assistance provider with specific expertise in building the capacity of leaders and workforce to strengthen systems to deliver evidence-based and innovative substance use disorder (SUD) services to respond to the opioid epidemic. CAI provides intensive and individualized TTA in all 50 states and US territories and has a diverse, multicultural and multilingual staff of over 100 professionals, and faculty, who have both practical and applied expertise in implementation of SUD services.

Coalition on Physician Education in Substance Use Disorders (COPE)
The Coalition on Physician Education in Substance Use Disorders is a voluntary organization devoted to improving patient care and public health by assuring that all physicians are trained to prevent, identify, and provide specialty appropriate interventions for patients who use tobacco or illicit drugs, or who engage in unhealthy use of alcohol or non-medical use of prescription medications.

Council of Social Work Education (CSWE)
The Council of Social Work Education (CSWE) is a national association of social work education programs and individuals that ensures and enhances the quality of social work education for a professional practice that promotes individual, family, and community well-being, and social and economic justice. CSWE pursues this mission in higher education by setting and maintaining national accreditation standards for baccalaureate and master’s degree programs in social work, by promoting faculty development, by engaging in interprofessional and international collaborations, and by advocating for social work education and research.

Faces and Voices of Recovery (FAVOR)
Faces & Voices of Recovery (FAVOR) is a national organization based in Washington, D.C. operating a training division to provide technical assistance to states and organizations throughout the United States and U.S, territories. FAVOR’s reach extends to over 85,000 individuals within the organization’s extended network of members, supporters, followers and service recipients. FAVOR operates the Council on Accreditation of Peer Recovery Support Services (CAPRSS), the only national accrediting body for peer support providers. Additionally, FAVOR operates the Association of Recovery Community Organizations (ARCO) which unites and supports the growing network of over 150 local, regional and statewide recovery community organizations (RCOs). ARCO helps build the unified voice of the organized recovery community and fulfill FAVOR’s commitment to supporting the development of new RCOs and strengthening existing ones.

Legal Action Center (LAC)
The Legal Action Center (LAC) uses legal and policy strategies to fight discrimination, build health equity, and restore opportunity for people with arrest and conviction records, substance use disorders, and HIV or AIDS. LAC seeks to end punitive responses to health conditions like addiction, mental illness, and HIV or AIDS, and to create equitable access to affordable, quality treatment. LAC envisions a society that upholds the civil rights of all individuals, regardless of their history of justice involvement or medical condition and aims to dismantle the historic and persistent impact of systemic racism that has fueled mass incarceration and disparate community health systems.

Mobilize Recovery
Mobilize Recovery is an annual experience that brings participants together to build capacity for organized community engagement for people in recovery, family members, and recovery allies. Its mission is to expand policy to support recovery, create connections to supportive services that are vital and lifesaving, and to engage affected individuals in meaningful action.

Naadac the Association For Addiction
NAADAC, the Association for Addiction Professionals, represents the professional interests of more than 100,000 addiction counselors, educators and other addiction-focused health care professionals who specialize in addiction prevention, treatment, recovery support and education. NAADAC members and its affiliates work to create healthier individuals, families and communities through prevention, intervention, quality treatment and recovery support.

National Alliance for HIV Education and Workforce Development (NAHEWD)
The National Alliance for HIV Education and Workforce Development (NAHEWD) is a membership organization of 8 regional and 2 national AIDS Education and Training Centers (AETCs) that support the AETC Program mission. Established in 2010, NAHEWD supports the AETCs, a component of the HRSA-funded Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program, which have an explicit directive to build and maintain a well-educated and culturally sensitive health professions workforce that can provide prevention, diagnosis, care and treatment, and medical management for people at risk for and living with HIV.

National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors (NASADAD)
The National Association of State and Drug Abuse Directors (NASADAD) promotes effective and efficient state substance use disorder prevention, treatment, and recovery systems. Its members are the Single State Agency (SSA) directors who oversee the publicly funded substance use prevention, treatment, and systems in the 50 states, District of Columbia and the territories. NASADAD works closely with state leaders who oversee the continuum of care, including State Opioid Treatment Authorities, and Prevention, Treatment and Women’s Services Coordinators.

National Alliance of State & Territorial AIDS Directors (NASTAD)
The mission of the National Alliance of State & Territorial AIDS Directors is to advance the health and dignity of people living with and impacted by HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, and intersecting epidemics by strengthening governmental public health and leveraging community partnerships.

National Center for State Courts (NCSC)
The National Center for State Courts (NSSC) founded in 1971, is a non-profit organization that promotes justice through leadership and service at the state court and local levels. This is accomplished through knowledge and information exchange to assist in making decisions that improve services while ensuring judicial administration that supports fair and impartial decision making.

National Council for Mental Wellbeing
The National Council for Mental Wellbeing is the unifying voice of America’s mental health and addictions treatment organizations. Together with over 3,000 member organizations, serving 10 million adults, children and families living with mental illnesses and addictions, the National Council is committed to all Americans having access to comprehensive, high-quality care that affords every opportunity for recovery. The National Council introduced Mental Health First Aid USA and more than 1.5 million Americans have been trained.

National Harm Reduction Coalition (NHRC)
The mission of the National Harm Reduction Coalition (NHRC) is to promote the health and dignity of individuals and communities affected by drug use. As a national advocacy and capacity building organization, NHRC aims to shift power and resources to people most vulnerable to structural violence and racialized drug policies.

National Judicial College (NJC)
Created more than a half-century ago at the recommendation of a U.S. Supreme Court justice, the National Judicial College
remains the only educational institution in America that teaches courtroom skills to judges of all types from all over the country, Indian Country and abroad. Judges served by this nonprofit and nonpartisan institution decide more than 95 percent of the cases in the United States.

National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center (Fenway)
The National LGBTQIA+ Health Education Center (Fenway) provides educational programs, resources, and consultation to health care organizations with the goal of optimizing quality, cost-effective health care for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, and all sexual and gender minority (LGBTQIA+) people.

Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board (NPAIHB)
The Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board (NPAIHB) is a non-profit tribal organization that has served the 43 federally recognized tribes in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho since 1972. The NPAIHB has four main functional areas, 1) Health promotion and disease prevention, 2) Legislative and policy analysis, 3) Training and technical assistance and, 4) Surveillance and research.

Partnership to End Addiction
The Partnership to End Addiction is the only national nonprofit committed to supporting the whole family as they address every aspect of substance use and addiction, from prevention to recovery. The Partnership empowers parents and caregivers with support and guidance using the science-based information through its national helpline and digital interventions and researches and advances effective family-focused prevention and treatment strategies.

Recovery Research Institute (RRI)
The Recovery Research Institute is a leading nonprofit research institute of Massachusetts General Hospital, an affiliate of Harvard Medical School, dedicated to the advancement of addiction treatment and recovery. Its mission is to enhance the public health impact of addiction recovery science through the summary, synthesis and dissemination of scientific findings and the conduct of novel research.

RTI International
RTI International is an independent, nonprofit research institute dedicated to improving the human condition. RTI combines scientific rigor and technical expertise in social and laboratory sciences, engineering, and international development to deliver solutions to the critical needs of clients worldwide. RTI uses multidisciplinary research to combat the costs of opioid use disorder and has worked over 30 years with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration to help reduce the impact of substance use disorder and mental illness on America’s communities.

The Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative (PAARI)
The Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative (PAARI) was founded alongside the Gloucester Police Department Angel Initiative in June 2015 and has grown into a movement of nearly 600 police departments in 34 states. PAARI provides technical assistance, coaching, and capacity-building resources to help police departments design and implement non-arrest programs that create pathways to treatment and recovery. PAARI and its law enforcement partners are working towards a vision where non-arrest referral programs are a standard community policing practice across the country. In just over five years, the programs that PAARI has helped design and launch have saved thousands of lives, changed police culture, and reshaped the national conversation about the opioid epidemic.

University of Washington
The University of Washington’s Supporting Harm Reduction Programs (SHaRP) team is housed within the School of Medicine’s Division of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at UW, a public research university in Seattle, Washington. The SHaRP team is a collaboration of researchers and staff at UW with experience working with and at harm reduction organizations and expertise in harm reduction, research methods, evaluation methods, working with people who use drugs, data collection, analysis, and monitoring and evaluation for syringe services programs (SSPs).

Washington State University PRISM Collaborative
Washington State University is a public land-grant research university that is committed to the principles of practical education for all, scholarly inquiry that benefits society, and the sharing of expertise to positively impact the state and communities. Located at the Spokane campus, the PRISM (Promoting Research Initiatives in Substance Use and Mental Health) Collaborative was established to address disparities in substance use disorder and mental health treatment.

Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE)
The Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) strengthens higher education, workforce development and behavioral health throughout the region. From promoting high-quality, affordable postsecondary education to helping the West get the most from their technology investments and addressing behavioral health challenges, WICHE improves lives across the region through innovation, cooperation, resource sharing, and sound public policy.