Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don’t hear back from someone within 1 business day?

I am not from a state agency. Can I submit a request for TA?

Anyone can submit a request. All requests ORN receives will be answered and reviewed by a technology transfer specialist in your state and vetted by the Opioid Response Network team.

I need help for an opioid use disorder or I am a family member of someone who needs help for an opioid use disorder. Should I submit a request?

ORN cannot provide clinical treatment nor can we recommend a provider to treat patients. For individuals seeking information about treatment, please visit SAMHSA or call SAMHSA’s National Helpline: 1-800-662-HELP (4357)/1-800-487-4889 (TTY)

Can the Opioid Response Network provide funding for my organization?

No, our scope of work focuses on providing education and training and does not allocate funding to organizations or individuals.

Can the Opioid Response Network help me write or apply for a grant?


Can the Opioid Response Network write a curriculum, white paper or a policy document for me?

No. Consultants can provide feedback, suggest educational resources or comments but they cannot write for others.

Can you help me get my certification for peer recovery coaching or other licensed practitioner?

No, but we can put you in touch with agencies that can.