
The Opioid Response Network (ORN) was established in 2018 in response to a grant award to the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP) from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Today, ORN is funded through SAMHSA’s State Opioid Response/ Tribal Opioid Response – Technical Assistance (SOR/TOR-TA) grant. AAAP leads the network in collaboration with the Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) Network, at the University of Missouri – Kansas City, and Columbia University Division on Substance Use Disorders. The coalition represents an unprecedented alliance of interprofessional health, behavioral health, prevention, harm reduction, recovery, and justice and corrections organizations.

ORN is your best best resource for taking fast action to address the current opioid and stimulant crisis. Education and training provided by ORN is evidence-based and designed to meet the needs of your community or organization, all at no cost to you. ORN incorporates health equity into all its initiatives, ensuring that all programs and resources are accessible and tailored to the community’s needs. Use the Submit a Request button to share your needs and to get in touch with your local ORN team.

Opioid Response Network Explainer

Substance use disorders, like opioid use disorder, have created an unprecedented health crisis. So the Opioid Response Network has created an unprecedented response to help you. Help us spread the word. Learn more here and share our mission in your community.